Ever worry that your Facebook ad pops up when people are fast asleep? Or at the wrong time for different parts of the world? This guide will show you how to easily change Time Zone in Facebook Ad Manager, reaching the right people at the right moment.

Why Time Zone Matters?

  1. Peak Hour Power

Show your ad when people are most active online, not snoozing! Setting the right time zone boosts clicks and conversions.

  1. Global Reach

Target audiences in different countries at their local times, making your ad feel instantly relevant.

  1. Accurate Insights

View your ad’s performance across several time zones to improve your campaign.

Time Zone Tricks in Facebook Ads

  1. Find “Payment Settings”

Look for the three lines in Ads Manager, then click “Payment Settings.” Think of it as your backstage pass to time travel.

  1. Edit Business Info

Find “Business info” in Payment Settings and click “Edit.” This is where you adjust the clock for your ad campaign.

  1. Choose Your Time Zone

Scroll down to “Currency and time zone.” Pick the zone where your target audience lives, imagining them catching your ad at the perfect time.

  1. New Account, Same Power

Changing time zones means creating a new ad account. Don’t worry; it’s like building a new launchpad in the chosen time zone. Give it a clear name, then click “Create New Account.”

  1. Set Up and Go

Adjust ad schedules and budgets for your chosen time zone in your new account. Remember to copy and paste any existing ads here to keep them running smoothly.

Bonus Tip: For campaigns across many time zones, try “Automatic Time Zone.” This feature adjusts your ads automatically, making you a global ad master!

Important Reminders

  • You can only change time zones every 60 days, so choose wisely.
  • Your existing ad budget stays in your old account.
  • Copy existing ads to your new account for perfect timing.

Conquer Time Zones

Gain important data, engage consumers all over the world, and maximise the success of your Facebook Ads campaign by conquering the time zones. So, grab the reins of time, conquer those zones, and watch your ads shine worldwide!

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